Home Best ChatGPT Prompts Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers & Legal Research

Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers & Legal Research

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Being a lawyer or a legal professional can be overwhelming, juggling multiple legal tasks and managing cases. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought forth new possibilities for lawyers to streamline their work and enhance efficiency. One such technology is ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. With ChatGPT’s ability to respond to text inputs, lawyers can leverage its power to simplify various legal processes.

Use Cases of ChatGPT for Lawyers

Using ChatGPT for lawyers can perform a range of applications, including:

  1. Legal Research: ChatGPT prompts for lawyers can help in conducting legal researchs. By requesting information on specific legal cases or issues, ChatGPT provides relevant insights within seconds. Remember ChatGPT is a powerful tool for researching legal cases and statutes.
  2. Drafting Legal Documents: Drafting high-quality legal documents, such as contracts, wills, and power of attorney forms, can be time-consuming. However, lawyers can use ChatGPT prompts to effortlessly generate these documents, saving valuable time and effort.
  3. Answering Client Questions: Clients often have diverse legal inquiries, from basic information to complex matters. Lawyers can employ ChatGPT prompts to provide quick and accurate answers, assisting clients effectively and efficiently.
  4. Forms and Waivers: Creating common legal forms and waivers, like liability waivers and demand letters, is made easier with ChatGPT. Lawyers can use ChatGPT to draft these documents without starting from scratch, enhancing productivity.
  5. Contract Review: Reviewing contracts and identifying crucial terms and conditions can be a daunting task. ChatGPT can offer lawyers by analyzing contracts and providing summaries, saving hours of sifting through complex legal language.

By embracing ChatGPT, lawyers can streamline their daily tasks, allowing them to prioritize strategic work and foster client relationships. Additionally, ChatGPT enhances the quality of legal services by providing valuable insights to support decision-making.

ChatGPT Prompts for Legal Research

Use Case: Intellectual Property Infringement

Scenario: A client, XYZ Corporation, is a technology company specializing in software development. They have recently discovered that a competitor, ABC Corporation, has launched a new product that closely resembles one of XYZ’s proprietary software applications. XYZ suspects that ABC has infringed upon their intellectual property rights and seeks legal assistance to protect their interests.

Identify the applicable intellectual property laws and statutes that govern software copyright infringement in the jurisdiction where XYZ Corporation operates.

Research case law precedents related to software copyright infringement cases, particularly those involving similar circumstances and the determination of substantial similarity.

Analyze the requirements and elements necessary to establish a prima facie case of copyright infringement in the jurisdiction, including proving originality and access to the copyrighted work.

Research the available remedies and damages that XYZ Corporation may seek if they can prove copyright infringement, such as injunctive relief, monetary damages, and potential statutory damages.

Investigate the potential defenses that ABC Corporation may assert in response to the allegations of copyright infringement, such as fair use, independent creation, or lack of substantial similarity.

Examine any relevant licensing agreements or contracts between XYZ Corporation and third parties to determine if there are any provisions or limitations that could affect their ability to pursue legal action against ABC Corporation.

Research the procedural requirements and deadlines for filing a lawsuit against ABC Corporation, including the jurisdiction-specific rules on initiating a civil action for copyright infringement.

Analyze the potential jurisdictional issues that may arise if XYZ Corporation and ABC Corporation operate in different states or countries, particularly regarding the choice of forum and potential conflicts of law.

Research any potential defenses that XYZ Corporation may need to anticipate against a counterclaim by ABC Corporation, such as defamation, unclean hands, or misuse of intellectual property.

Investigate any recent legislative or regulatory developments in the field of software copyright protection that may impact the legal strategy and potential outcomes of XYZ Corporation’s case.

chatgpt prompts for lawyers

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers to Draft Legal Documents

Use Case: Drafting a Legal Document for a Business Partnership Agreement

Prepare a comprehensive business partnership agreement outlining the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each partner.

Draft a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to protect the confidentiality of sensitive business information shared between parties.

Create a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to establish the terms and conditions for a joint venture between two companies.

Draft a shareholder agreement to define the rights and responsibilities of shareholders in a corporation.

Prepare a lease agreement for a commercial property, outlining the terms and conditions of the tenancy, such as rent, duration, and maintenance responsibilities.

Draft an employment contract, including provisions related to compensation, benefits, job duties, and termination conditions.

Create a service agreement between a client and a service provider, specifying the scope of work, deliverables, payment terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Prepare a terms of service agreement for an online platform, addressing user responsibilities, intellectual property rights, and limitation of liability.

Draft a licensing agreement for the use of intellectual property, outlining the terms, duration, and royalties payable.

Create a loan agreement between a lender and a borrower, including provisions related to interest rates, repayment schedules, and default conditions.

brown wooden stand with black background Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers & Legal Research, unlockaiprompts.com

Chat GPT Prompts for Contract Drafting

Use Case: Contract Drafting for a Technology Company

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Draft a comprehensive NDA to protect the technology company’s proprietary information and trade secrets when sharing them with external parties such as vendors, clients, or potential investors.

Service Level Agreement (SLA): Create an SLA for the technology company’s software services, outlining the expected level of performance, uptime guarantees, and remedies in case of service disruptions.

Software License Agreement: Draft a software license agreement for the technology company’s proprietary software, specifying the terms and conditions for its use, restrictions, intellectual property rights, and any applicable licensing fees.

Employment Agreement: Prepare an employment agreement for the technology company’s new hires, covering important aspects such as job responsibilities, compensation, benefits, non-compete clauses, and confidentiality obligations.

Independent Contractor Agreement: Create a comprehensive independent contractor agreement to engage external contractors for specific projects, defining the scope of work, deliverables, payment terms, and intellectual property ownership.

Joint Venture Agreement: Draft a joint venture agreement for a collaborative project between the technology company and another organization, outlining the respective parties’ roles, responsibilities, profit-sharing arrangements, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Software Development Agreement: Prepare a contract for software development services, detailing the scope of work, milestones, payment terms, ownership of intellectual property rights, confidentiality, and provisions for changes in scope or termination.

Reseller Agreement: Create a reseller agreement for the technology company’s products or services, establishing the terms of the partnership with third-party resellers, pricing, distribution rights, and obligations of both parties.

Data Processing Agreement (DPA): Draft a DPA to comply with data protection laws and regulations when the technology company processes personal data of its customers or users, specifying the purpose, security measures, data retention, and the responsibilities of both parties.

Software Maintenance and Support Agreement: Prepare an agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for the technology company’s provision of ongoing software maintenance and technical support to its clients, including response times, bug fixes, upgrades, and fees.

ChatGPT for Legal Forms and Waivers

Use Case: Incorporation of a Technology Startup

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A group of entrepreneurs is launching a technology startup and needs assistance with the legal aspects of incorporating their business. They require a lawyer to draft the necessary legal forms and documents to establish a legally compliant and well-structured company.

Incorporation Agreement: Draft an agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the incorporation, including the rights, responsibilities, and ownership interests of each founder.

Articles of Incorporation: Prepare the document that establishes the legal existence of the company, including its name, purpose, registered office address, and share structure.

Bylaws: Create a set of bylaws that govern the internal operations of the company, including the roles and responsibilities of directors and officers, meeting procedures, and decision-making processes.

Shareholders Agreement: Draft an agreement among the shareholders of the company, specifying their rights and obligations, share transfer restrictions, dispute resolution mechanisms, and other relevant provisions.

Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Prepare an agreement for each founder to transfer their intellectual property rights related to the business to the company, ensuring the company’s ownership and protection.

Employment Agreement: Create a standard employment agreement template for the company to use when hiring employees, outlining terms and conditions of employment, compensation, benefits, and confidentiality obligations.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Draft an NDA template to protect the company’s confidential information when engaging with employees, contractors, partners, or potential investors.

Stock Option Plan: Establish a stock option plan that enables the company to grant equity-based incentives to employees, consultants, and advisors, outlining eligibility, vesting schedules, exercise periods, and other relevant details.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: Prepare legally compliant privacy policy and terms of service documents for the company’s website or mobile app, addressing data collection, storage, use, and user obligations.

Funding Agreement: Create a template for a funding agreement that the company can use when entering into investment rounds with angel investors, venture capital firms, or other sources of funding, specifying the terms, conditions, and rights of the parties involved.

assorted-title of books piled in the shelves, Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers & Legal Research, unlockaiprompts.com

ChatGPT Prompts for Legal Analysis

Use Case: Employment Discrimination

Analyze the legal implications of a company’s policy that requires employees to work on weekends and how it may potentially violate anti-discrimination laws based on religion.

Evaluate the legal obligations of an employer when an employee accuses a coworker of sexual harassment in the workplace and determine the potential liability the company may face.

Assess the legality of an employer’s decision to terminate an employee after they disclose their pregnancy and explore potential violations of pregnancy discrimination laws.

Examine the legal responsibilities of an employer regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Analyze the potential liability of a company for age discrimination when it implements a mandatory retirement policy for employees over the age of 60.

Evaluate the legal implications of an employer’s decision to use social media as a screening tool for job applicants and identify any potential violations of privacy or discrimination laws.

Examine the legal requirements for employers in ensuring equal pay for employees of different genders performing substantially similar work under the Equal Pay Act.

Assess the potential legal consequences of an employer implementing a drug testing policy and determine if it complies with state and federal laws, including privacy rights and anti-discrimination laws.

Analyze the legal obligations of an employer to provide a safe working environment for employees, particularly in the context of workplace accidents or exposure to hazardous substances.

Evaluate the legal considerations surrounding non-compete agreements and determine their enforceability, duration, and geographical scope in relation to protecting a company’s legitimate business interests.

ChatGPT Prompts for Legal Writing

Use Case: Drafting a Legal Memorandum

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Background: You are a lawyer with over 15 years of practice in a reputable law firm. You have been assigned the task of drafting a legal memorandum for a complex case involving a contract dispute between two companies. The memorandum will serve as a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues, relevant case law, and applicable statutes, providing guidance to your client on the best course of action.

Analyze the enforceability of a non-compete clause in an employment contract under the jurisdiction’s laws.

Discuss the legal implications of intellectual property infringement in the context of online content sharing platforms.

Assess the potential liability of a company for product defects and injuries caused by those defects under strict liability laws.

Examine the legal requirements and procedures for filing a trademark application and obtaining trademark protection.

Explore the legal obligations and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in a commercial lease agreement.

Evaluate the legality of warrantless searches and seizures conducted by law enforcement officers under the Fourth Amendment.

Analyze the factors and legal tests used to determine whether an individual qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits.

Discuss the legal framework and implications of privacy rights in the digital age, particularly in relation to data breaches and cybersecurity incidents.

Examine the legal standards and elements required to establish a claim of negligence in a personal injury lawsuit.

Assess the legality and potential consequences of using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for commercial purposes, focusing on privacy concerns and airspace regulations.

ChatGPT Prompts for Answering Client Questions

Use Case: Personal Injury Claim

Scenario: Jane Doe was involved in a car accident on June 15, 2023, when another driver ran a red light and collided with her vehicle. Jane suffered injuries to her neck and back, and her car sustained significant damage. As a seasoned lawyer with over 15 years of practice, you are representing Jane in her personal injury claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Can I claim compensation for medical expenses related to my injuries, including past and future medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and ongoing treatments?

How will my lost wages be calculated, and am I entitled to receive compensation for the time I missed from work due to the accident?

What if my injuries worsen over time or lead to long-term disability? Will I still be eligible for compensation?

Can I also claim compensation for the pain and suffering I experienced as a result of the accident?

How long does the personal injury claim process typically take, and what can I expect during this period?

What evidence should I gather to strengthen my case and improve the chances of a successful claim?

The at-fault driver’s insurance company contacted me and offered a settlement. Should I accept their offer, or is it better to negotiate for a higher amount?

What are the potential challenges or defenses the other party might present during the claim process, and how will we address them?

Is it possible to hold the at-fault driver personally liable, or will their insurance company solely handle the compensation?

In the unfortunate event that we are unable to reach a settlement with the insurance company, what are the options for pursuing legal action in court?

ChatGPT Prompts for Legal Procedures

Use Case: Divorce Proceedings

Scenario: John and Jane, a married couple, have decided to get a divorce. They have been married for five years and have no children. Both parties have agreed to an amicable separation and wish to proceed with the divorce process in a peaceful and efficient manner. As their lawyer, you are responsible for guiding them through the legal procedures and ensuring that their rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

What are the grounds for divorce that can be cited in this case? How should the lawyer advise the clients regarding the most appropriate grounds for their situation?

How should the lawyer assist the clients in gathering and organizing the necessary documentation required for the divorce proceedings, such as marriage certificates, financial records, and property ownership documents?

What are the residency requirements for filing for divorce in the jurisdiction where the couple resides? How should the lawyer ensure that the clients meet these requirements?

How should the lawyer guide the clients in drafting and filing the divorce petition? What information and details should be included in the petition?

What steps should the lawyer take to ensure that the divorce petition is properly served to the other party? What are the legal requirements for serving divorce papers?

How should the lawyer advise the clients on temporary arrangements during the divorce process, such as living arrangements, financial support, and division of assets?

What options are available for alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation or collaborative divorce, and how can the lawyer explain these options to the clients? How should the lawyer assist the clients if they choose to pursue one of these methods?

What factors should be considered when determining the equitable distribution of assets and liabilities between the spouses? How should the lawyer guide the clients in negotiating a fair settlement?

What legal procedures are involved in finalizing the divorce, such as obtaining a divorce decree or judgment? What documents need to be filed, and what are the necessary steps to complete the process?

How should the lawyer advise the clients on post-divorce matters, such as modifying custody arrangements, enforcing alimony or child support orders, or addressing any potential disputes that may arise after the divorce is finalized?

ChatGPT Prompts to Help For Legal Terminology

Use Case: Defending a Client in a Criminal Trial

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Scenario: You are a seasoned lawyer with over 15 years of practice, specializing in criminal defense. Your client has been charged with a serious crime, and you have been tasked with providing them with the best possible defense in court.

Define “reasonable doubt” and explain its significance in a criminal trial.

What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

Explain the concept of “presumption of innocence” and its role in criminal proceedings.

Define “probable cause” and explain its relevance in the context of search and arrest warrants.

What is the difference between a trial court and an appellate court?

Define “double jeopardy” and explain how it protects individuals from being tried for the same offense twice.

What is “exculpatory evidence” and what obligations do prosecutors have in disclosing it to the defense?

Explain the concept of “plea bargaining” and its pros and cons.

Define “habeas corpus” and explain its purpose in safeguarding individual rights.

What is “cross-examination” and how does it allow attorneys to challenge witness testimony in court?

ChatGPT Prompts for Legal Citations

Use Case: Personal Injury Lawsuit

Background: Jane Smith was involved in a car accident on January 15, 2023. She sustained significant injuries and incurred medical expenses. Jane believes that the accident was caused by the negligent driving of John Davis, who ran a red light and collided with her vehicle. Jane has decided to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against John to seek compensation for her injuries and damages.

Provide a legal citation for the case of negligence in the context of a personal injury lawsuit.

Identify a relevant legal citation for the duty of care owed by drivers on the road.

Cite a statute or case law that defines the standard of care expected from drivers at a traffic intersection.

Find a legal citation supporting the argument that running a red light constitutes negligence per se.

Identify a case citation for the principle of causation in personal injury cases.

Provide a legal citation that establishes the burden of proof in a personal injury lawsuit.

Cite a statute or case law that outlines the types of damages recoverable in a personal injury lawsuit.

Find a legal citation for the concept of comparative negligence and its application in personal injury cases.

Identify a relevant legal citation for the statute of limitations applicable to personal injury claims in the jurisdiction where the accident occurred.

Cite a case law that supports the admissibility of expert witness testimony in personal injury cases.


The legal industry is constantly evolving, and lawyers are always seeking innovative tools to enhance their legal practice. ChatGPT, as a powerful language model, can significantly assist lawyers in various aspects of their work. ChatGPT prompts can help lawyers to efficiently research key legal cases, statutes, and legal precedents, enabling them to provide high-quality legal advice and draft professional legal documents.

ChatGPT’s ability to quickly generate responses and provide relevant information on specific legal issues is a testament to its power as a tool for lawyers. It can save lawyers hours of reading through complex legal language by offering concise and relevant insights. Moreover, lawyers can instruct ChatGPT to review contracts, assist in creating legal arguments, and even generate questions for opposing parties.

While ChatGPT prompts can assist lawyers in quickly researching legal cases, it is important to recognize the limitations of ChatGPT. It is not a replacement for the expertise and judgment of a professional lawyer. Lawyers should always review and edit the outputs of ChatGPT to ensure accuracy and precision in their legal work. ChatGPT is a chatbot that helps in simplifying tasks.

In summary, ChatGPT prompts are designed to empower lawyers and enhance the practice of law. They can be used to expedite legal research, offer insights, and provide a valuable resource for lawyers navigating complex legal issues. Leveraging the power of ChatGPT, lawyers can efficiently serve their clients, explore legal options, and continue to excel in the dynamic and ever-evolving legal profession.

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